Saturday, June 8, 2013

Present Simple Excercises

Now let's do some excersises that are going to help you to develop and improve your knowledge and practice what you have learned. Are you ready? Good Luck!!!.

Click on the link below, complete the excersises following the instructions and filling in the gaps with the correct form in Present Simple, then you can correct your answers clicking on the Check Answers button.

Click on the link below and follow the instructions: Listen to the song an fill in the gaps with the right form of the verb. When you finish press DONE button to check your answers.

Read the following paragraph and answers the questions:

Danny and Lianne live in Los Angeles in California. Their parents
have a house on the beach at Santa Monica. In the summer they
are very lazy.They get up at ten o´clock and have breakfast.Then
they go swimming.They have lunch on the beach.In the afternoon
they often go windsurfing or play ball games on the beach.After
dinner they go and meet friends at Tommy´s Beach Café. They
sometimes go to a disco in the evening. They often go to bed quite
late, at about ten or eleven o´clock. They like Californian life a lot.

1) Where do Danny and Lianne live? ______________________________
2) Where is their parents´house?________________________________
3) What time do they get up?___________________________________
4) Where do they have lunch?__________________________________
5) What do they do in the afternoon?_____________________________
6) Where do they go after dinner?_______________________________

The following Board Game can help you to practice the speaking part of the Present Simple Tense, you just have to print it, play it with a friend, follow the instructions and have fun !!!

Añadir leyenda

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