Sunday, June 9, 2013

Past Simple Tense

Hi! In this part of the lesson you will learn about Past Present Tense.  The following link will take you to a Prezi Presentation that explains the main concepts about the topic, what you have to do after clicking on the link, is click on the frame you want to see. Try it!!


You can guide yourself using the following chart to write your own sentences using past simple in the three different ways: Affirmative, Negative and Interrogative. 

Regular Verbs: We put "ed" at the end of the verb the past simple

Irregular Verbs: There are many irregular verbs and they change in different ways, so you should study them!

You can save the folowing mind map in your computer and print it, to remember and practice the different forms of the past simple tenses

The Following Link contains a list of Irregular verbs for you to print it and use it when you need to write past simple tenses.

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